Break new ground in throughput, efficiency, and quality with the power of digital broadband MRI. Enjoy a low total cost of ownership with Philips Ingenia 1.5T CX. Deliver fast, high quality imaging that may help attract new referrals and increase patient satisfaction.
High quality images and remarkable speed are possible with our dStream digital broadband architecture. Enjoy up to 40% more SNR⁵ and enhanced throughput with channel-independent RF technology that makes upgrades easy. iPatient
Every patient is different. iPatient is an advanced platform for our Ingenia systems that puts you in control of personalized, patient-centric imaging to support greater consistency and efficiency. iPatient offers as much as a 30% improvement in throughput⁷. Premium IQ⁶
Premium IQ defined as increased SNR and speed and improved fat-free and motion-free imaging obtained on dStream with dS SENSE, mDixon and Multivane XD compared to Achieva with SENSE, dixon and propeller. Maximize critical diagnostic information within the available timeslot. ScanWise Implant
ScanWise Implant [5] allows you to confidently offer MR imaging to a growing and potentially underserved subset of the patient population, enhancing your reputation and encouraging referrals.
Technical Specifications:
Technische specificaties - Magnet system - Typical homogeneity V-RMS: ≤ 0.5 ppm Bore design: 60 cm Cryogen boil-off rate under regular scanning conditions: 0 l /hr Various acoustic noise reduction solutions: Yes Magnet weight: 2900 kg HeliumSave technology (Zero boil-off): Yes Wireless patient physiological synchronization: Yes Pulsar HP+ gradients- Max. amplitude for each axis Max. amplitude for each axis: 33 mT/m Max. slew rate for each axis: 120 T/m/s
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