If you’re looking to add a product or service on Mediscala, we encourage you to become a partner. After becoming a partner, you will be able to access the portal to add your products or services.
Here’s the process you can expect:
Once you’ve submitted the form, Mediscala sales team will reach out to you to quickly onboard you/your team. After you provide sufficient information about your product/service, it will be conditionally approved—meaning it is being verified by our research team to ensure eligibility and proper categorization. It will be live on Mediscala shortly.
You’ll receive emails from us letting you know the status of your submission.
We do not accept business-to-consumer (B2C) products or products.
We receive, store, and process certain types of personal information about you from your use of the service, automatic data collection, and from certain third parties. As the world’s most trusted healthcare marketplace, we prioritize personal data security. You can find more details about the information we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it here.
If you believe a review is fake or otherwise inappropriate, you can click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the review and click "Report". You can also leave a comment at the bottom of the review if you would like to get clarification or ask for more information.